Our Locations
NSEIT DEX Test Centers
231+ Centers across 231+ Cities pan India
231+ Centers across 231+ Cities pan India
Our Locations
NSEIT DEX Test Centers
Home / Our Locations
NSEIT DEX owns and operates India’s largest network of Test Centers
Our extraordinary journey in setting up these Centers has evolved growing them from 15 to 50 to 100 until our network now touches 231+ Centers Pan India . It has been our endeavour to continue to reach Candidates across all touch points across all regions, improving the reach for our clients to give them better accessibility with best-in-class Infrastructure. We continuously growing our network of Centers.
- We operate in every State, State capital and large District Pan India
- Every Center is ISO 9001:2015 Certified
- Our employees & security staff operate every center
- Best-in-Class Infrastructure with high security
- Central vigilance monitoring
- Candidate Support Helpdesk – Telephone & Email
- Candidate Registration & Verification desk at the Center
- Locker facility for candidates belongings safe storage
Region- wise across India break-up
- East = 66+ Centers
- North = 57+ Centers
- South = 56+ Centers
- West = 52+ Centers

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